The Adviser Issue 9 | Page 44



Guy Anderson Director of Retirement Income Distribution Just
Guy Anderson , Director of Retirement Income Distribution ], discusses the challenges Consumer Duty is laying at the door of retail investment platforms in ensuring good outcomes for their retirement income customers .

I know many of us are using the trains less than we were pre-pandemic . However , you would ’ ve needed to avoid them completely since 2016 to have not come into contact with ‘ See it . Say it . Sorted .’ – possibly one of the most annoying but effective five-word slogans ever thought up by an advertising agency . The slogan is part of an ongoing initiative to keep people safe by encouraging travellers to report anything they feel ‘ doesn ’ t look right ’ to the British Transport Police . The requirement to report your suspicions is obviously voluntary . But imagine for a moment , the atmosphere and the potential recriminations that might emerge amongst fellow commuters if it were to be made mandatory . You ’ d probably have to change your routine , use a different carriage or even catch a different train , to avoid unpleasantness or worse , if it turned out you grassed someone up and there was nothing untoward .

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