The Adviser Issue 9 | Page 43



Evidencing will improve Advisers told us in our survey that the fair value outcome had been the most difficult of the four to prepare for . An excellent whitepaper produced by Boring Money and supported by Benchmark , tackled the challenging issue of articulating and evidencing value . Significant consumer research identified that both practical and emotional factors were drivers of value for clients , and the paper identified five key pillars of value , each with different weightings : Trust and Peace of Mind , Planning , Information , Performance and Fees . The next stage is the production of a series of questions supporting these five pillars , enabling advisers to assess how well they are achieving these for clients , evidencing this and benchmarking against others . A high client retention rate doesn ’ t mean that clients always believe that value is being delivered and advisers will require a robust ongoing process to evidence fair value .


Pressure on ongoing charging structures will remain In the same Adviser Survey , 59 % of advisers said that there would be pressure on their ongoing charging structure as a result of Consumer Duty . In the 2020 review of RDR undertaken by the FCA1 , they reported concerns that > 90 % of customers are placed in arrangements for ongoing advice and that some may be paying for services they do not need . Ongoing client segmentation is vital and we are definitely seeing the emergence of new charging models , such as subscription based , particularly for clients in early accumulation where an ongoing advice charge may not be appropriate . There will be a lot of ‘ test and learn ’ ahead !


Consumer understanding will change our communication According to the National Literacy Trust , 1 in 6 adults in England in 2015 had what is considered to be ‘ very poor literacy skills ’ 2 . It ’ s little wonder therefore that our own documentation reviews have already identified where changes are required . We are an industry full of jargon and three-letter acronyms . I believe that we also need to focus on how digital engagement with consumers can be improved – can we make better use of technology such as AI to support this ? Perhaps not in 2023 , but one to watch – our group CEO appeared at a meeting in the US as a hologram rather than flying across the pond , so anything is possible !
The end of the beginning ? Are we now at ‘ the end of the beginning ’? The formal projects completed , Consumer Duty is here to stay and will start to evolve . The reviews and evidencing processes will become part of life . I look forward to the industry working together , sharing best practice and continuing to deliver the best outcomes for consumers .
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1 Evaluation of the impact of the Retail Distribution Review and the Financial Advice Market Review , FCA , December 2020 2 OECD , Survey of Adult Skills , 2015
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