The Adviser Issue 9 | Page 34

INSIGHT : Events / Investment Committee / SAA / Governance / Education / Training / Consultancy
OVERSIGHT : Compliance And Business Consultancy / Regular Interaction / Events / Website Hubs
Monitor and Review
What is the objective and business plan ?
What is required to achieve the objectives ?
What processes & tech will be utilised ?
Evidencing research
Executing the advice process
Insight supports you by bring you thought leadership and educational sessions via the hundreds of events presented annually as well as training and consultancy work . Oversight is provided by the invaluable Compliance Consultancy team , through oneto-one sessions , representation at events and website material .
This support will enable you to build your strategy and processes . This isn ’ t the end , providing high levels concepts is all well and good , but we understand that there is reality and practically building this model . That is where SimplyBiz Solutions comes into play .
INSIGHT : Events / Investment Committee / SAA / Governance / Education / Training / Consultancy
OVERSIGHT : Compliance And Business Consultancy / Regular Interaction / Events / Website Hubs
Monitor and Review
What is the objective and business plan ?
What is required to achieve the objectives ?
What processes & tech will be utilised ?
Evidencing research
Executing the advice process
CORE Business Principles
CIP / CRP / CD Advice Process
CORE Technology
CORE RESEARCH Platforms Products Investments
CORE Reports and Client Documents
BESPOKE Business Principles
CIP / CRP / CD Advice Process
BESPOKE Technology
BESPOKE Platforms Product Investments
BESPOKE Reports and Client Documents
34 | the adviser