The Adviser Issue 9 | Page 33

If you are considering how to enhance your investment proposition , and are looking for either a complete solution readymade that you can simply pick up and use , or , if you want to be able to take components and blend them to make your own solution , then SimplyBiz has everything you need . We caught up with CIP guru and Head of Business Consultancy , Karl Dines , to provide a sneak peek at the latest offering from SimplyBiz , which is currently being showcased at our events this autumn .
Karl Dines Head of Business Consultancy SimplyBiz

My son reminded me of something we did when he was younger , whilst talking about games consoles . He was getting into gaming and I was teaching him first person mode , where you look into the environment as if the TV screen were your eyes . Before we even touched the controls we sat down and I explained how the joystick worked and what would happen , the left control ( L Stick ) moves your legs , forward , backward , sideways left and right . The right control ( R Stick ) controls your eyes , this will make you look around and point you in that direction whilst moving . Move them together and it ’ s like running straight ahead , turning left or right and reversing . He said that was the best way to learn , to understand what was going on before he even picked up the controls .

The service is designed to support you and talks your language , it ’ s based around what happens in an advisory model . So , let ’ s start at the beginning , with a typical advice process . This graphic explains a typical , logical process when designing / redesigning / updating an advice business model . It starts with the strategic thinking on where the business wants to be , looking at objectives and a business plan , target market , investment solution PROD like conversations . In here you ’ d talk about the firm ’ s vision , timescales , service provision and the like . Then you ’ d move on to what is required to meet those objectives , along with identifying the tech used in support . Think of the strategy as that early discussion on ‘ I want to learn to play first person games ’. Your process involves understanding and mastering those L Sticks and R Sticks and the solution
Monitor and Review
What is the objective and business plan ?
What is required to achieve the objectives ?
What processes & tech will be utilised ?
Evidencing research
Executing the advice process
This conversation jumped to forefront of my mind when we were discussing our investment solutions for firms . It ’ s all about the preparation in whatever we do , and it always involves thinking it through , deciding what you want your business model to look like and preparing before you even pick up the controller . It ’ s the first and probably the most important step . And ’ s it ’ s all about you , the adviser . Whether you are new to the directly authorised world , a seasoned veteran , whether you want a pre-built predesigned advice process or whether you want to get involved to whatever extent works for you . becomes running around , jumping and having a great time in your virtual games console world . Once that is in place it ’ s about evidencing the research in order to build solutions for clients ( or for segments of your client bank ) and executing the advice process involves packaging the solutions up in order to meet a client ’ s goals . The last step , a very important step is to review the model at whatever interval works for the Firm . SimplyBiz can support firms from a high-level point of view , providing Insight and Oversight .
# 09 | AUTUMN / WINTER 2023 | 33