The Adviser Issue 11 | Page 16

How to access support

Outstanding in their field ( or online )!

Whether conducted remotely or “ in the field ”, our compliance consultants are consistently scored very highly across the board for the quality and value of their support . Here ’ s a snapshot of their latest customer feedback reviews .
Regulatory Consultancy Visits and Services average overall feedback score YTD 2024


Out of 10
What our customers think


Out of 10
Value of visit


Out of 10 Out of 10
Value of the follow-up report




Out of 10 Out of 10
Overall meeting of expectations


Value of feedback on the day
What our customers say
“ Peter always makes things understandable and as a result , my compliance visit is enlightening rather than a chore !”
What our customers say
“ It was refreshing to have a compliance call so engaging ... It was the best compliance call I ’ ve ever had ! Definitely made compliance less boring . The content was tailored perfectly to my needs and the action points clear in order to keep my business compliant .”
What our customers say
“ Normally , I have an antipathy toward all things with a compliance handle , but I found our conversation to be valuable , and I ’ m eager to explore the possibilities we discussed further and already we are putting in measures as we move forward . I ’ m confident that our collaboration has great potential .”
How to access support
Use any of these means to book time with one of our friendly , professional , and supportive compliance consultants .
Booking form : bit . ly / ComplianceVisitBook Email : compliancevisits @ simplybiz . co . uk Phone : 01484 443419