The Adviser Issue 9 | Page 53

expensive ( or valued ) relative to its history and the rest of the stock market . It is a similar story for those other companies , which include Amazon , Alphabet ( Google ) Meta Platforms ( Facebook ) and Netflix , amongst others . The point is , for these companies ’ share prices and valuations to be maintained they need to keep growing and meeting investors ’ hopes and expectations for that growth . As Apple is demonstrating , no matter how good and big you are , that can be a difficult goal to achieve . Therefore , again as I have said before , there must be a risk of their share prices coming under pressure .
The final word Predicting the future is best left for Nostradamus , but as fund managers we do need to have a view of what we think the future might hold . Since the Covid pandemic that has been easier to do at times than others . As we move through the economic cycle and get more clarity on the prospects for inflation , interest rates and economic growth , that should allow us to take stronger views on the expensiveness or cheapness of financial markets and , more importantly , the individual bonds , equities and other investments that make up those markets . Maybe then we can all play at being Nostradamus .
For all the latest investment insights from Neil Birrell and the Premier Miton investment teams , please visit premiermiton . com / insights /
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Risks :
The value of investments may fluctuate which will cause fund prices to fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the original amount invested . Future forecasts are not reliable indicators of future returns .
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For Investment Professionals only . No other persons should rely on the information contained within . Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided , we regret that we cannot accept responsibility for any omissions or errors . The views and opinions expressed here are those of the author at the time of writing and can change ; they may not represent the views of Premier Miton and should not be taken as statements of fact , nor should they be relied upon for making investment decisions . Reference to any particular stock / investment does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell the stock / investment . Source : FTSE International Limited (“ FTSE ”) © FTSE 2023 . “ FTSE ®” is a trade mark of the London Stock Exchange Group companies and is used by FTSE under licence . All rights in the FTSE indices and / or FTSE ratings vest in FTSE and / or its licensors . Neither FTSE nor its licensors accept any liability for any errors or omissions in the FTSE indices and / or FTSE ratings or underlying data . No further distribution of FTSE Data is permitted without FTSE ’ s express written consent . Issued by Premier Portfolio Managers Limited ( registered in England no . 01235867 ), authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority , a member of the Premier Miton Investors marketing group and a subsidiary of Premier Miton Group plc ( registered in England no . 06306664 ). Registered office : Eastgate Court , High Street , Guildford , Surrey GU1 3DE .
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