The Adviser Issue 9 | Page 21

Asking the client to complete a lot of the groundwork in advance frees up time in the face-to-face meeting to have a more meaningful conversation and better understand the client and their needs . With the client data already available you can hit the ground running at the first meeting . You can also use the time more effectively , to understand your client ’ s objectives and deliver a better outcome instead of having your head buried in a laptop writing down their date of birth and national insurance number . By fully embracing technology , you can deliver advice efficiently and profitably . And you ’ ll also have time to build strong ongoing relationships that instil confidence and trust in your expertise and recommendations .
We transform the advisory experience . Your advice can be life-changing – our technology makes it possible . Discover more at www . intelliflo . com
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1 https :// www . flipsnack . com / langcat / the-advice-gap-report-2023 . html 2 https :// www . ons . gov . uk / peoplepopulationandcommunity / housing / articles / housinginenglandandwales / 2021comparedwith2011 # tenure 3 https :// www . resolutionfoundation . org / publications / the-living-standardsoutlook-2023 /
# 09 | AUTUMN / WINTER 2023 | 21