The Adviser Issue 11 | Page 27


We ’ re delighted to be able to present an enhancement to our contact and engagement services , designed to help you maximise your membership at no additional cost . Our new Member Connect Service provides each Member firm with a dedicated contact so you can discuss your key challenges and opportunities with our service and support experts . We ’ re also introducing new ways for you to connect with us and each other , and help guide how we help you via our new Focus Groups , and we ’ re bringing back a classic with a new round of our incredibly popular Best Practice Forums .

Review calls and dedicated support manager
You can now book a call with a member of the Adviser Services team to review your plans and to look at how we can best support you . In the next few weeks , you ’ ll also be allocated a dedicated point of contact within the team , giving you a direct line to your own support manager .
Focus groups
You can also join our focus group list , where you will be invited to join regular , or ad-hoc , discussions with the team and other advisers , to hear about our plans for new and improved services , and to help shape our support . Once on the list , you will be invited to attend several virtual meetings , allowing you to choose those of most interest .
Best Practice Forums
Designed around you , these events are a great way for you to benefit from the collective experiences and thoughts of your peers . You choose the areas you would like to discuss and we will facilitate the conversations to ensure you get the most from the event . The first round of virtual Best Practice Forums has proven to be very popular , and we will be announcing more dates soon . So make sure to keep an eye on the Events section of your Member sites .
We hope that you find this new service of value . If you ’ d like to ask us more about Member Connect Services or any other element of our support , please don ’ t hesitate to get in touch .
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